Why It Is Important That You Have Panic Bars

Panic bars are absolutely necessary in high traffic areas, such as schools, shopping malls, hospitals, and movie theaters. They are intended for safety. Large groups are able to easily and quickly move in and out of a location. This type of door is also called an exit door. Chances are that you’ve seen them but don’t know what they are. You may also hear them referred to as a crash bars on a door. No matter what you call them, the important thing is that you have them installed if you receive a lot of visitors. If you own a business without them and an incident should occur that causes harm to others, you could be held liability for the tragedy. The panic bar is able to keep others safe, which is why they are so important to have. They have been successful in saving lives, which is why they are encouraged for certain businesses. You can actually prevent a tragic incident from occurring with the installation of panic bars. Loss of life has decreased due to the inability to quickly exit a building. This type of door has a spring loaded bar on it. It is installed across the interior of the door, which means that no one fro the outside can get inside. However, those inside can quickly depart just by pressing on the bar.

It would make perfect to install this type door in large buildings. Since there are likely more visitors, there is a chance of more peoples lives being lost due to an unfortunate incident like a fire. When people start to panic they also begin to reason irrationally. When someone feels trapped they often panic and over-react. A great way to help them keep calm is by having a panic bar installed. When someone notices a panic bar, they know that thy will be able to quickly get out if an incident should occur. If you do not have a door with a panic bar on it then others may not feel as comfortable during an emergency situation. If you are the owner of a business that receives a lot of foot traffic, it would definitely be in your best interest to have panic bars installed. This protects you and others. If you notice that there are too many people attempting to get out of a small area, this posses a security threat. If there is something that is in your control to take care of before an emergency situation should occur, then why wouldn’t you do it. A panic bar will ensure that everyone is able to safely get out when and if it is necessary.

Affordable Security: If you have been getting quotes for security then perhaps you should give your local locksmith a call. We may feel that a panic bar is necessary for your safety and security. You can have them installed for as little as $100. Most people are surprised to hear just how affordable this type of security can be. If you have a business that receives a lot of visitors and you don’t have a door with a panic bar, let us show you your options today.

Your Options: Commercial businesses have several types of panic bars that they can choose to have installed. Some come with alarms that will sound when someone is trying to get inside from outside. They can be installed vertically or horizontally. Panic bars come in different sizes and prices.

Safety: This is undoubtedly the main benefit of having a panic bar installed. When you need to safely evacuate the building then this is the best way to do so. Since no one can come in from the other side, it helps to quickly and swiftly move out those on the inside. The prevention of those on the outside being able to enter the building prevents them from impeding the progress of those trying to get out. There is usually an alarm that will sound when entry from the outside is attempted. This serves as a warning to those inside, which is also considered a safety precaution.

Lower Insurance: We know that you likely would have had a panic bar installed a long time ago if you knew that it would benefit you in this way. Yes, there are some insurance companies that will actually lower your insurance premium when you have a panic bar installed. They realize that you are taking the necessary precautions to ensure that no one is harmed. If no one is harmed then they will not have to pay out anything, which saves them in the end.

Efficient: We wouldn’t suggest that you have a panic bar installed if we didn’t feel that they were efficient in their ability to keep others safe from harm. They are extremely effective, which is why most businesses with high traffic have them. There are some businesses where this type of door is deemed mandatory by OSHA. This is a sign of just how efficient they are.

Previously, there have been incidents where large groups of people have been trapped during an emergency. During this time, they were unable to get out and thus lost their lives. There was definitely a problem that needed to be addressed so that this type of thing didn’t occur more often. If you have panic bars installed and an incident does occur where there was lose of life, you can rest easy, as you took the necessary precautions. However, instead of waiting for something unfortunate to occur before you invest in panic bars, do something about it now by contacting a locksmith to access your needs. They will be helpful in determining the type of panic bar to have installed. You have to have the right type in order for it to be effective during an emergency situation. If it isn’t then it would defeat the purpose in having one installed.